Single circuit project design: Create a simple paper circuit greeting card that includes one LED. Introduce the concept of aesthetic design and personalization. Key Concepts & Materials: Simple circuit Understanding polarity Materials: LEDs, copper tape (wire), paper (1-2 hrs)

Simple wearable project: Create a wristband with three LEDs in parallel and a switch that turns on the project when the ends of the wristband are snapped together. Key Concepts & Materials: Parallel circuit, switch Designing and reading circuit diagrams Three-dimensional project Deconstruction Materials: Conductive thread, LEDs, battery and holder, fabric (5-6 hrs)

Collaborative project: As a class create a mural, with each panel made by two students. Each panel must have five independently programmable LEDs and two switches, allowing for four blinking light patterns. Key Concepts & Materials: Programming for digital input: Sequences, conditionals, embedded conditionals or Boolean statements Collaborative work & division of labor Materials: Conductive thread, LEDs, fabric, microcontroller (10 hrs)

Capstone project: Create a project with two aluminum foil patches that act as a sensor when both are touched by a person. Program four+ lighting patterns based on different sensor readings. Key Concepts & Materials: Sensor design (handcrafted) Programming for analog input: operators, sensor range, Boolean statements Materials: Conductive aluminum foil, human body, LEDs, microcontroller, fabric (10-14 hrs)

17 Nov

We seek to develop teachers’ confidence in course content, which includes in-depth yet accessible computing concepts.

17 Nov

Our curricula involve many opportunities for collaboration, problem-solving, pattern-finding, and abstract thinking.

17 Nov

We seek to provide meaningful educational opportunities to teachers and students who typically encounter barriers to access.

The Exploring Computer Science team has a number of works in progress going on at any given point. Check back soon for even more research.

View the ever-growing bibliography of published articles authored by ECS researchers at UCLA and University of Oregon.

16 Nov

Our team members frequently attend and are invited to present at conferences. Stay tuned for updates on where we’ve been and where we’ll be next.