What Is Exploring Computer Science (ECS)?

Exploring Computer Science (ECS) is a K-12/University national program (curriculum + professional development) committed to democratizing computer science knowledge by increasing learning opportunities at the high school level for all students, with a specific focus on access for traditionally underrepresented students. The ECS program consists of a high school introductory computer science (CS) course combined with a teacher professional development program. ECS was developed in response to previous research, detailed in Stuck in the Shallow End (Margolis et al., 2008), that identified disparities in CS learning opportunities that fall along race and socioeconomic lines.

The ECS curriculum consists of six units of approximately six weeks each, covering Human Computer Interaction, Problem Solving, Programming, Data & Computing, and Robotics. We also offer E-Textiles as a unit that can be used as an alternate to unit 5. The ECS curriculum is structured to facilitate inquiry and equity-based instructional practices so that all students are introduced to the problem solving, computational practices, and modes of inquiry associated with computer science. The curriculum aligns well with college preparation coursework as well as Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways including: Information Technology; Engineering and Design; and Arts, Media and Entertainment Technology, among others.

Since its founding in 2008, ECS has rapidly expanded across the country. ECS has local grants and hubs in a number of states and regions. The curriculum is currently taught in at least 34 states and Puerto Rico, including the 7 largest school districts, as well as some rural locations and reservations. Over 55,000 students participated in ECS courses nationwide in 2018–19, with an additional 6,000 expected in 2019–20.